No subscription
We do not require a subscription to place an order.
Ordering timeline
6 AM Monday | 10 PM Wednesday | Friday AM | Saturday, Sunday or Monday |
New menu posted | Order deadline | Delivery window sent | Delivery days |
Order minimum
You must order at least $24 (after any coupons are applied).
Delivery radius
Customers who live in zip code 80127, 80134, 80302, 80303, 80401, 80403, 80465, 80516, 80601 or 80602, please confirm your address with us before placing your first order. Some parts of these zip codes are simply too far for us. We reserve the right to cancel your order if we determine you are outside of our delivery area.
Entrée portioning
Our entrées are portioned "family-style" into as few containers as possible with the intention that they will be shared after reheating. For example, one order of chicken pot pie contains two servings and will arrive in one container.
Special requests & allergens
IMPORTANT: we are unable to make adjustments to the recipes, or substitute or omit ingredients or dish components.
(We had a little more flexibility with this in the past, but going forward it is too challenging for us to get these kind of requests right each time. If you have questions about ingredients, or how things are portioned and packaged, please email us before placing an order.)
Our meals are made in a kitchen that uses eggs, milk, wheat, sesame, nuts and other possible allergens. If you have a serious allergy or question about our ingredients, please email us before placing an order.
Holiday closures
We are closed on the weeks nearest Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. We make deliveries every other week of the year.
100% satisfaction guarantee
We trust our food and delivery experience will meet your expectations. If they do not, please contact us and we will make it right.